magbo system

Wreath making…


Last week a lovely group of women and I had a fabulous crafty evening with Clare, the lovely mummy who writes the blog Chaos and Coffee, making Christmas wreaths. At the minute she is holding wreath making workshops (some tickets are still available for Dec 10th in Chorlton) and if you live in the North West I  would SO recommend attending. We got to drink presecco, eat cake and chat whilst creating a little bit of Christmas magic for our homes, what is not to love? I have wanted to make my own wreaths for years but I never thought I had it in me to make one, but I suprised myself (and the hubby) when I actally made one that I was very happy with. For a 1st attempt it wasn’t half bad.

Anyhow, I have now become addicted and over the weekend we went foraging for goodies and I made another wreath that is featured on Clare’s blog here. An even simplier wreath than the one I made on the workshop, definitely one to try if you are a little nervous.

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Hope this post inspires you to make your own wreath.

Shelley x
