magbo system

The importance of Vitamin B12…

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Better You B12 Spray

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is another another vitamin we have all been taking on a regular basis. We started using this as we have switched to a mainly plant based diet and B12, on the whole, is found in meat, seafood, eggs and dairy (so if you are vegetarian or vegan it may be worth supplementing). However, once I started researching it, it seems even if you do eat these foods you may not get the required amount of B12.

If you don’t get enough B12 it can lead to anaemia, depression and is even linked to hair loss. Vitamin B12 deficiency is quite hard to detect and so can go undiagnosed for years. Symptoms can include fatigue, lethargy, shortness of breath, pale skin (possible with a pale yellow tinge), mouth ulcers, sensations of ‘pins and needles’, disturbed vision, impaired mental function and depression. Many of these symptoms are not unique to vitamin B12 deficiency, and not everyone who is diagnosed will experience these symptoms.

Anyone who is unable to eat a varied and balanced diet, including the elderly, may be more at risk of B12 deficiency. Additionally, people with certain medical conditions, such as coeliac disease and crohns disease, may be unable to absorb adequate B12 from food.

Strict vegans who do not include any fish, poultry, eggs or dairy products in their diet and are not taking vitamin B12 supplements are at increased risk of deficiency. Vegetarians who do not regularly include dairy in their diet may also be at risk.

Important benefits from vitamin B12 include:

  • Reduces stress, depression and brain shrinkage
  • Helps to maintain a healthy digestive system
  • Improves unhealthy cholesterol levels, which protects against heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure
  • Helps to protect you from breast, lung, colon, and prostate cancers
  • Converts carbohydrates into glucose, which produces energy and decreases fatigue and lethargy in the body
  • Helps cell reproduction for healthy skin, hair, and nails

Vitamin B12 is considered safe and non-toxic.

Shelley x

P.s;  Please remember I’m not a doctor, this is just what has worked for us.

P.p.s, Click on the pink writing to take you to the products we are using.
