more vegan and cruelty free beauty products…


I have written several times now on my journey to chemical free beauty products. I eat really well and watch what I put in my body, so came to the conclusion that the same had to be done for what I put on my skin, after all, the body absorbs about 60% of the chemicals in cosmetics and our skin is our largest organ with a total area of about 20 sq feet.

I’m not telling you to stop using synthetic makeup, but for me, this realisation, combined with the strong evidence that some conventional ingredients may be carcinogenic, was enough to convince me to change my entire routine. I have been doing this slowly and trying lots of different products out over the last 2 years. I have done a couple of posts now and the last makeup one was here I am still using and loving all of the products and here are some new ones below.

Shelley x
