vegan beauty products…


I have written previously here on the products that I have started to use since ditching all of the toxic laden ones. I feel so passionately about this. I eat so well and am so careful about what I put into my mouth that I feel I have to do the same for my skin. All of the products I have written about today have been certified vegan except for The Inkey List who are awaiting this, they do not however test on animals or use any suppliers who do and none of their products contain ingredients derived from animals.

I am working on a Christmas pressie list for us ladies but thought a lot of these products would be such a good gift idea.

Shelley x

P.S; I almost forgot, I am absolutely loving this Body Shop Body yoghurt.

P.P.s; just wanted to add this fabulous make up sculpting brush.  Real Techniques brushes are amazing for synthetic, effective and reasonably priced tools. This brush is fab for applying foundation – it’s dense enough to give coverage and blends beautifully
