vegan and vegetarian cookbooks…

After the gluttony of December, when we tend to eat waaaay more than we usually do, January is, I think for most people, a time to reflect on how we eat and what we can do differently. I am never one to advocate dieting, but be about balance and on the whole listening to our bodies. I know that after a binge I often get a bloated stomach, a headache, feel lethargic, sound familiar? I mean I’m never going to pass up on a birthday cake and I’m not going to feel guilty about what I eat but on a day to day basis I’m sure we all want to try for a healthier way of living.

As a family we try and eat plant based most of the time. We do this for our health and have seen amazing things happen from a whole foods diet. I am not preaching as we most definitley have our bad days and the kids often take a lot of convincing, but these books have helped hugely in our journey and the kids have (on the main) tucked in to most of the recipes.

If there are any other fabulous vegan and vegetarian recipe books please share. I love a blummin new cook book.

Shelley x

P.S; A few new books I would add to this list that have become firm faves incclude this one, this one and this one. The Bosh ones are amazing, comfort food made vegan. We LOVE them.


