reusable cloth sanitary pads…


Cheeky Wipes UltraPads Multi Pack  

Have you considered switching to Cloth Sanitary Pads?

Tampons and throw away sanitary pads create a lot of waste. On average, a woman will use up to 16,800 disposable pads and tampons during her lifetime. So much unneeded waste and profit at the expense of women’s health and the environment.

I’ve made the switch to cloth sanitary pads and this is a decision I am very happy with. Believe me when I say this took a while. I had been wanting to change for quite some time, but was always put off by how thick they may be, how to clean them properly and would they work as well. I really shouldn’t have worried as for me they are so much better than disposables.

Here are some reasons I believe you should switch.

Reusable options are much healthier for you.

Disposables are typically made with a combination of plastics, cotton, synthetic fibers and wood pulp. Conventionally produced cotton is one of the most toxic crops grown, using 20 percent of the world’s pesticides and herbicides. These materials are then bleached with chlorine dioxide, creating polluting, harmful and bio-accumulative byproducts like dioxin, which not only end up in the environment, but also remain in our bodies for decades. Add other synthetic chemicals and artificial fragrances to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for side effects like allergic reactions, hormone disruption, reproductive and gynaecological disorders like endometriosis.

You will reduce your menstrual cramps, infections and skin rashes.

If you suffer from really bad period pains and are using disposables, you should consider using alternatives like cloth pads, or menstrual cups. Disposable pads use plastics, which block airflow to your vagina, and not surprisingly, can encourage a painful rash. Disposables also use synthetic fibers like rayon, which are super-absorbent, but will also absorb all the moisture in your vagina, increasing your chances of severe pain and infections- especially if you are wearing one for hours, all day, all week. Having switched to reusable cloth pads, my cramping has totally reduced.

You will save loads of money.

If the health reasons don’t sway you, maybe the numbers will be more convincing. Granted, reusables have a larger initial cost, but they last much, much longer. With proper care, cloth pads can last (up to 10) years. The disposables have a lifespan of a few hours before they are thrown away, forcing you to buy more-with all of these ending up in a landfill. Surveys estimate that menstruating costs women around £18,000 over their lifetime, Switching to reusables you can save around £8,400.

You will support independent companies and artisanal makers.

I’m sure, like me you would all prefer to be giving your money to small, independent brands who do a happy dance every time you make a purchase. I got mine from the fabulous Cheeky Wipes  who offer so many different options and sizes and I love their designs. But there are so many hand-made options on marketplace sites like Etsy.

 You will help save the environment.

Switching to reusables is a striking example of how seemingly small personal choices can have a tremendous positive impact on our environment. as stated earlier on average, a woman will use up to 16,800 disposable pads and tampons during her lifetime. The plastics in a pad will take hundreds of years to decompose. The process of manufacturing these disposables also pollutes our waterways, air and animal habitats. Switching to reusables can make a difference.

They’re sanitary, they don’t leak and they are easier to clean than you think.

When talking about reusable options, inevitably the questions: “are they clean?” and “will they leak?” come up. With the right maintenance, reusable products are just as sanitary. I soak mine in cold water or rinse them through with cold water immediately after taking them off and then machine wash them on a cool water cycle.

Shelley x

Any questions please ask.








