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Bob’s Favourite Books…

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I thought a good start for my first blog post on ‘Shelley Loves’ would be to take a look at a few of Bobby’s (and mine!) favourite books…

Bobby has just turned 5 and so these books would be for an age group of 4+

The one on the picture above Zoo-ology by Joelle Jolivet, was his 1st choice. Since getting this  book he has taken it everywhere with him and it’s by no means a small book! But it’s brilliant, especially if your children are into animals. Great illustrations and fabulous facts at the end which they will grow into, so a book that will keep giving.

Next he chose Stuck by Oliver Jeffers.

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This is a funny story about a boy who gets his kite stuck in a tree. We have a few of Oliver Jeffers books including How to Catch a Star but Stuck is by far his favourite.

The final one for now is The Little House, by Virginia Lee Burton.

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Such a beautiful story, this has to be one of mine and Daisy’s favourites as well. It’s about a little house that starts in the country and soon discovers what the town is like. A really good book to sit down and enjoy together, again with beautiful illustrations.
