magbo system

Metallic skirt…

metallic skirt1. Topshop Denim Shirt £29

2. Warehouse Metallic Skirt £49

3. Marks and Spencer’s Red Leather Purse £25

4. Topshop Glitter Court Shoes £46

Metallic skirts are everywhere at the minute and I love them, but only if they are dressed down with something really casual (think Alexa Chung or Jenna Lyons). I would tuck the denim shirt in, roll up the sleeves and leave the top three buttons undone. Sexy, but cool at the same time. The skirt would also look fab with this jumper, this jumper, this jumper and finally this jumper tucked in (love the sleeves!). Other skirts I have my eye on include this one,  this one, this one, this one and finally this one in both colours, fabulous with a sweater.

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Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Shelley x

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