magbo system

instagram stories…


I recently listened to a fabulous live chat on instagram with Tiatalula and Nataliependleton where they were discussing the benefits of instagram stories and more specifically putting yourself in the stories and talking to camera. At this point I had been on instagram for 3 years and had never dared to put myself out there that much. I had never dared to speak to the camera. The way they talked about it made it sound fun and easy and very necessary if you wanted to engage more with your followers and essentially gain business. So with them in mind, the following day I did my first speaking to camera post on instagram stories. I used the dog filter to ease myself in, but in all honesty, it felt good, it wasn’t bad and I had so much engagement that day. I had lots of direct messages saying how it was lovely to see me and hear me speaking. A lot were surprised and loved my northern accent. Since then I spoken on my stories several times.

So, if you’re a blogger or a business and are not sure why you should be talking to camera, let me tell you some of the benefits. It is one of the best and fastest ways your followers can get to know you, your brand and your personality. The more they know you and like you, the more they will trust you and ultimately want to buy from you.

I know it seems scary and it is something that most of us don’t want to do but it really does help to make connections.

OK, my top tips

-If you’re scared at first use a filter, my favourites are the cat and the dog.

-Talk as if you were having a conversation with a friend. This will make you more natural, more relaxed and you will seem more fun.

-When I went to the Nohouserules instagram workshop recently they had carried out a poll and found that a huge amount of people watch stories without sound so it is a good idea to include text when you upload your story so everyone can enjoy it. There is a fabulous app called Clipomatic which is good as it automatically subtitles what you have said.

-As I was nervous I started off by recording my stories on my phone first rather than straight to instagram. That way if I made a mistake I could just do it again and then upload the one I liked best. It also meant that I was getting lots of practise and after all practise makes perfect.

-Finally find natural light as this helps to make you look your best (this selfie ring light is amazing) , also make sure you have your phone at an angle that is flattering. I have found that this is when the phone is high up. I haven’t got one but I have heard amazing things about this mini tripod for your smartphone (it’s on my wishlist).

With all of this in mind, I have decided to do a little challenge for all my instagram followers. I will post a different prompt for the next few days and I would like as many of you as possible to join in. If you tag me I will share on my stories. The first prompt is 3 things that make you happy, (you could also get your followers involved and we could spread the happiness).

Hope these help

Shelley x

