magbo system

Home bargains…


Some things I like to do in my home to transform it.

Store all the boring stuff out of sight. TV remotes, ugly kitchen stuff – put away, even my keys are stored in a pot in the hallway. Clutter reads as mess so all the boring, ugly clutter stuff goes away and everything beautiful stays out. My gosh I lose this battle with the kids most days, but when everything is away it makes me feel a whole lot better and my house suddenly looks amazing. I have included some baskets within this weeks edit, these are amazing for toys, magazines, you name it it gets thrown in a basket.

Get green fingered. Interior designers use plants and trees to soften corners, they add such beautiful focal points. So soften your space with lots of plants but remember to vary the tone of green and mix feathery, shiny, matte and prickly all together to get the best effect. For my edit of faux plants check this post and this post. But real is fabulous too (if you can keep them alive).

Shelley x
