magbo system

fish oil…


Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important.

They can have all sorts of powerful health benefits for our body and brain.

This isn’t just me saying this – it’s been proven by thousands of medical trials around the world. It’s good for our hearts, brains and eyes. It helps keep our joints and skin healthy. And there are hundreds of promising trials that are charting the positive effects of Omega 3 on Alzheimer’s, ADHD, depression, and children’s learning and behaviour.

In fact, few nutrients have been studied as thoroughly as omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s Can Fight Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a very common mental disorder. Symptoms include sadness, tiredness and a loss of interest in everyday life. Anxiety is also very common and is characterised by constant worry and nervousness. However, studies have found that people who consume omega-3s regularly are less likely to be depressed.What’s more, when people with depression or anxiety start taking omega-3 supplements, their symptoms get better. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA and DHA. Of the three, EPA appears to be the best at fighting depression.

Omega-3s Can Improve Eye Health

DHA, a type of omega-3, is a major component of the human brain and retina of the eye. When we don’t get enough DHA, we can start to get problems with our vision. Dry eyes can be a sign that we need more Omega 3. DHA can help keep the tear ducts working well, it also can help to reduce risk of macular degeneration, one of the world’s leading causes of permanent eye damage and blindness.

Omega-3s Can Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life

Omega-3s are crucial for brain growth and development in infants. DHA accounts for 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain, and 60% in the retina of the eye.  Getting enough omega-3s during pregnancy has been associated with numerous benefits for the child, including:

  • Higher intelligence
  • Better communication and social skills
  • Less behavioral problems
  • Decreased risk of developmental delay
  • Decreased risk of ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy

Omega-3 supplements can reduce the symptoms of ADHD in children. They improve attention and reduce hyperactivity, impulsiveness and aggression, to name a few. Omega-3 intake has been associated with a lower risk of asthma in both children and young adults. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce menstrual pain. One study even found that an omega-3 supplement was more effective than ibuprofen. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, may improve the length and quality of sleep in children and adults. Dry skin and bumpy skin on the back of the arms are often signs you need more Omega 3. It helps skin stay hydrated and elastic and may also help protect the skin from sun damage as it boosts membrane repair. It can even have a dramatic effect on eczema, acne and psoriasis. High dose Omega 3 helps with arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis) by reducing inflammation and keeping joints lubricated. recommends 2,700mg a day. It’s also great for fitness fanatics, helping reduce the risk of injury during intense exercise and can soothe those pesky achy knees.

Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important for optimal health.

Getting them from whole foods, such as eating fatty fish (especially sardines and mackerel) 2 times per week, is the best way to ensure optimal omega-3 intake. However, if you don’t eat a lot of fatty fish, then you may want to consider taking an omega-3 supplement. For people who are lacking in omega-3, this is a cheap and highly effective way to improve health.

All this is leading to me telling you about the fish oils that the kids, Mark and I have been taking. Daisy and Bobby are taking Bare Biology Super Hero.


Unlike other fish oils they have taken this isn’t a capsule, it’s liquid and comes with its own syringe. One drop (1ml) has 480mg DHA and 120mg EPA and every batch is certified and awarded a 5-star purity and quality rating from International Fish Oil Standards. It’s recommended for children 6 months to 12 years old. The kids don’t mind the taste and will take it on its own from the syringe (you can mix it with their juice if they are not so keen). It’s lemony and the best thing about it is that it doesn’t repeat on you for the rest of the day. I have noticed how much calmer they are. They just seem more chilled and have much better concentration.

Mark and I are taking the Bare Biology Lion Heart Capsules, which are for everyone!


  They’re perfect from 12 years up, but you can give them to younger children. It also comes in liquid form. They are fabulous, honestly, Mark and I feel amazing, our skin, nails and hair are better, we feel more energised and have more concentration and patience. Again no horrible fishy burbs.

Finally for pregnant ladies or ladies trying to conceive Bare Biology do Bump and Glory.

I chose this brand as I love Melanie’s story…

Omega 3 had been a life saver to me as a mother of three young children, and I was a complete convert. But I was tired of trying to hunt down a supplement that was strong enough to work, fresh enough to taste good, in a form I could absorb, and with clear proof of being 100% pure. I couldn’t find one, so I decided to make it myself.

I set about finding the best fish oil in the world to put into a bottle. After a year of researching while the children were at school – and adventuring whenever I could get away – I finally found my manufacturer in a tiny fishing town in Norway. We’ve used them for all our products ever since, alongside our fabulous capsule-makers and bottlers here in England.

We’re still a small company, but we’re growing fast. I’ve gone from doing everything myself (including packaging and sending out orders) to having a wonderful team of brilliant, kind and passionate people. I still have to pinch myself when people hug me at trade shows because of the difference we’ve made to their lives, or email to thank us for helping them overcome a health condition. I want our products and customer service to be the best, and I want my company to be a great place to work. More than anything I want to make people well and happy, and I know our Omega 3 really can help.

Anyway, I’ve rattled on about how good Omega 3 fish oils are for long enough, please, please give them a go.

Shelley x

P.s; Remember I am no doctor, this is all crazy mummy research.

P.p.s; Click the pink writing to take you straight to the products or to further information I found.
