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Daisy’s Sunday selects, tie dye…

Hi it’s Daisy. Whoohooo to easter Sunday. Chocolate for breakfast, chocolate for lunch and chocolate for tea. Best day. Hope you are all having a fabulous time. I don’t know about you but I have become a little obsessed with tie dye. I like totally LOVE it. It’s just so cool. So this week’s post is dedicated totally and utterly to tie dye.

Mum, Bobby and I had the best time doing our own tie dye t-shirts this week and we have now ordered some long sleeve tops and leggings to have a go at. This is the tie dye set we now have and we started with this one. Both are genius.

Also we made some jewellery this week which I loved and we got a lot of questions on instagram as to which beads we have. We have this set and this set.

Finally my mum found some of her old books in the attic, lots of Judy Blume and Point Horrors. I have just read and loved this one and have started this one. They are both absolutely brilliant.

Daisy x

P.S; I’ve started a youtube channel, (finally my mum let me) so please have a look and subscribe if you want to. I’d be very grateful. Here is the link.
