Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Hi everyone, Daisy here, hope you’ve all had THE best Easter Sunday. Hasn’t it been gorgeous, I’ve absolutely LOVED it.

I have been using and loving this set from Green People made specially for teenage skin. It has a face wash, a serum and a moisturiser. I wash my face with the face wash and then I use this spray, this again is gentle enough for teen skin as it is very important not to use anything to harsh. I have really noticed a difference with my spots. It has helped to dry them up. I then use the serum and then the moisturiser. I would definitely recommend them all.

I’ve been majorly hinting at my mum for these this week for around my bed. How cute are they and I could secretly read.

Finally I got these for christmas and wanted to share them as I think they’re brill.

Daisy x
