magbo system

Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Hi everyone and to all the mums reading this happy Mother’s day, I hope you have been spoilt rotten. It’s been such rubbish weather here we haven’t really done anything. It has non stopped rained ALL day.

A few things to share this week. I have been using this concealer and it is my favourite one to use so far, really good coverage. Mine is the 00 Ivory and is perfect for my skin tone.

I have been clearing out books from my room to put in the attic and this was one of the books to move. I re-read it and it’s so good. I’d say for tweens really but I enjoyed re-reading it as it has a good take on bullying and self-esteem.

Someone on Instagram shared this game with my mum and said we would love it and they were not wrong, it’s really fab as a family to play. You need at least four people to play it.

Ater hinting about these lots and lots my mum treated me to a couple and they didn’t disappoint, I love watching them fizz away in my bath and they smelt amazing. I’ve been hinting again for some more.

Have a lovely rest of your day.

Daisy x

P.s; we still get asked loads about period knickers, these are the ones I have and I would absolutely recommend them, seriously so much better than pads and I can wear them for hours. My period hasn’t fallen on a day I’m at school yet but I would be able to wear them all day and change when I got home and I wouldn’t leak. They last all night when I wear them for bed.
