magbo system

Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Teen dungarees

Hi everyone, Daisy here for a fab Sunday selects. So what have I been up to this week? We watched Wanda Vision on Disney+ and loved it.

I discovered that my favourite EVER leggings now go up to an age 16 so got mum to get me a new pairĀ as mine are now tiny for me.

I love journalling, so with the money I saved up I treated myself to these cards. I like that they make me think about myself and the future and what I want for myself, what I enjoy and why. Next I want some oracle cards of my own and am loving these. I also want some affirmation cards and love these. I’ll have to keep saving.

For some reason I have totally got into wearing rings. I like to wear quite a few at the same time on each finger. I got this for christmas and LOVE it.

Ok, read this ace book (it’s a series actually so read them all) so funny and Goergia is such a good character. She’s 14 and obsessed by her appearance and boys and always embaressed by her family. The book is in diary form over several months and tells of how she meets Robbie. Then watch this ace film on Netflix. You’re welcome.

Happy Sunday.

Daisy x
