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Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Hi everyone, Daisy here. Hope you’re all well? Hasn’t the sun been beautiful this week? I have loved being able to go out without a thick coat on. It has also got me in the mood for summer and so I have added some summer pieces into my picks today. Not loads as I know that really it’s not warm enough yet. There were lots in the shops though, but I’ll leave them for another week.

This week I have read this ace book. So so good, a real page turner. I’d say this would be suitable for mature 11+. I have also been loving this tinted balm. My mum bought it for herself really but obviously I nicked it.

I treated myself to this and I love it, it comes in lots of colours too. I’m thinking it would be a fab easter pressie for us girls. And also how cool are these. Totally hinting at my mum and grandma for them. They’ll be ace in the summer.

Finally, mum, Bobby and I watched My Father The Hero on STAR, I think it’s part of Disney+. It was sooooo good. We all LOVED it, even dad, and Bobby was laughing his head off at the dad in it. I want to be Nicole, she dressed so cool. Totally worth a watch. My mum said her and her best friend use to watch it over and over when they were little.

Have an amazing evening.

Daisy x

P.S; I forgot to add this gorgeous ‘You got this’ bracelet. I’ve bought a few for my friends and my mum bought me one. Such a sweet pressie and not expensive. I’m thinking it’s a little boost for everyone going back to school next week. Actually it’s fab for anyone who is a little scared at the minute. It shows we are thinking of them.
