Daisy’s Sunday selects…

Sunday again and this week has flown by. I am now self isolating as there has been a case of covid at my school. I have already done over a week and if I’m honest, I’m loving it. I’ve been working through this. Fab for halloween and was a pressie off my mum. Now the dark nights are setting in it can be a long time till bedtime so we have been trying to play some games together. I know this is really my mum and dad’s way of keeping me off my phone. This game is ace and once you get the hang of it, it’s totally addictive. This is ace too, you can play it as a team or on your own. Bob and I are always trying to beat each others top score. My cousin got this for his birthday this year and we played it at his house and loved it so much that Bobby and I saved up our spends and bought it. A really good game for all the family. It can be hard to think of 3 things in 5 seconds.

Next up, I want one of these sooooooo bad, oh my gosh how cosy would they be. I’ve dropped major hints. This one is also fab. This one may be too big for me but I love the tie dye.

Finally how gorgeous is this advent calender, my mum always makes us one with little notes for us all to do together, See this post and this would be fab to tie the notes to.

Have a good week.

Daisy x

P,S; here is my coat I’m wearing on shelley Loves Instagram grid tonight. I say my coat, it’s actually my mum’s that I have now claimed as my own.
