Daisy’s Sunday selects…

It’s Sunday selects time again, which means I get to share everything I’m loving this week with you. Here are some things I’m in to.

Moriah Elizabeth on youtube. Click here to take you there. She is ace and makes over squishies and is totally fab at art. I’m really wanting her art book. Check it out here. Honestly it is soooo good.

I’m loving watching Creeped Out on Netflix with Bobby. Some episodes are better than others, but it’s still really good. I reckon it;s appropriate for around  ages 8 and up.

My mum and I are totally loving Glee (again on Netflix). It’s introduced me to so much music and it’s happy and upbeat but with a serious message in each episode.

On Amazon Prime you have to watch Gortimer Gibbons, it’s soooo good. I totally love Mel, Ranger and Gortimer and the adventures they get up to.

Books wise I have read and loved this and this, both by Jacqueline Wilson.

If you’re allowed on your phone ( I barely am) I’ve been loving the Painter app. You can draw whatever you want on it or use pictures from Pinterest/google and then colour them in.

Now for the clothes round up.

Daisy x

