aloe vera lotion..

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Aloe Pura Aloe Vera Lotion

Within previous posts ( here, here and here),  I have written about the more natural products I have started to introduce into in our household. Skin is our largest organ and whatever we put on it is absorbed into our bloodstream. Because of this we have been using products that contain less nasty chemicals.  Aloe Pura Organic Aloe Vera Lotion is my latest find. I have been using this lotion as a daily moisturiser (it’s brilliant as a primer as it soaks right in) and love it. In Italy we used it as our after sun and hand cream. There is not much of a smell, but then it is a natural product. The results are amazing (even Mark used it and was very impressed by how quickly his dry hands cleared up). It left all our skin super soft and hydrated.

Aloe Vera offers many benefits and is suited for all skin types, it is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, soothing and has anti-itch qualities for our skin. It is often used for burns, (we used it recently when Bobby burnt his finger and it healed exceptionally well, quickly and with no scarring). It can also be used for wound healing, psoriasis, sunburn, frostbite, inflammation, osteoarthritis and cold sores. It can be applied as an antiseptic and as a moisturiser. Aloe vera contains vitamin B complex, folic acid, vitamin C and carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A. It is composed of mainly water, along with polysaccharides, anthraquinones, amino acids, glycosides, minerals, flavones, phytosterols and salicylic acid.

  • Polysaccharides give aloe its hydrating, emollient and anti-inflammatory benefits, while creating a protective barrier on the skin. 
  • Aloe contains a large number of anthraquinones, which offer antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics.
  • Flavones offer further protection from free-radical damage. 
  • Phytosterols are anti-inflammatory, which calm and soothe itchy skin, also moisturizing and protecting the skin from trans-epidermal water loss. 
  • Glycosides promote healthy cell regeneration and offer antihistaminic (anti-allergen) properties, while vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids nourish the skin.    

Shelley x
